9 Positive affirmations for working out

9 Positive affirmations for working out

How to make working out fun

To be honest, even after losing 81 pounds I still don't look forward to a workout. Working out is not necessarily fun to me. But what is fun is seeing how strong or fast I am now compared to my starting point. Running or lifting heavier as time progresses is cool to track. And seeing results ofc. But the actual workout... there are still some days I have to fight myself to go and finish. So I think the only way to make working out fun is to work on changing our perspective on working out overall.

How to think about workouts

I used to think of exercise as a punishment; I was overweight, so I had to work out. That made working out hard. It sucked. I hated every day. And every work out.

Today, my mindset about fitness and exercise has changed altogether. Exercise isn’t a punishment. And to me, it’s not “a celebration of what your body can do” either. I don’t want a figurative party, I want abs lol. I look at exercise like a chore. So just like I don’t necessarily enjoy doing laundry or doing the dishes, those are activities that can’t be ignored, and I always feel better after I tend to them. My space is clean, and I feel energized and my mind slightly less cluttered.

Similar to household chores, exercise is a body-home chore that must be done in order to keep a healthy, happy, uncluttered mind/body/soul.

So when you're thinking about whether or not you wanna hit the gym, remember to pause and reconsider your perspective on why you don't want to workout.

Read the benefits of working out

The more I learned working out was more than about weight loss, the easier it was convincing myself to do hard things at the gym. Benefits of exercise from Angela T. Moore (Integrative Health Expert, Therapist, NASM Master Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist)


How to motivate yourself before and during a workout

To motivate myself for the gym I try to think about the benefits of getting stronger and faster. Because lifting heavy and cardio workouts are hard. They are supposed to be, or we will never change. I got over waiting for working out to be fun, and changed how I was talking about myself before and during the workouts. Instead of "This is hard. This is heavy. My legs/arms hurt..." Here are,

6 affirmations you can use before and during your workouts:
  1. I am/my body is able
  2. I am/my body is strong
  3. I am/my body is amazing
  4. With every rep my body is getting stronger and stronger
  5. This workout is good for me/my body
  6. I can do this
  7. I am strong and healthy
  8.  The cells in my body are happy and healthy
  9. I love my body it can heal itself

Follow @letsgetposi on Instagram for daily positivity and wellness inspo.



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