About compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, healing and self-love

About compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, healing and self-love

(I'm sharing notes from my phone without any further context - just some more faith-based positivity inspo from sermons, videos, and books that have touched me and I am prayerful these notes leave some positive impact)

Have compassion for others

Figure out what wound in me needs to be healed

He used someone to expose it

Thank them for showing me where to progress

Build boundaries

Guard your heart above all else

Stop letting people who aren’t careful so stop giving them yourself

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Jesus looked the cross and said bring it on

They didn’t take his life, he gave it!!

Every time you face pain the devil will give you a shortcut.

Go thruuuuu it. All the way thruu it.

The only way you endure pain is because you have your own vision of what it’s supposed to look like.

Not my will. God’s will.

There’s sacrifice. You cannot do whatever you want and have a strong relationship with God.

Make a decision. Create healthy boundaries. Or we end up blaming others. Here’s my goal. I’m willing to give this much and no more.

David stayed home during the war. Then he woke up in the middle of the night. He went to the rooftop why? Sees a woman. Taking a bath. She knew what she was doing. He inquired. Mind ya business David. His friend said that’s the general's wife. Asked what’s up? She said let’s. Do their thing. Sin got out of control. She gets pregnant. David thinks the husband will come back from war sleep with his wife he’ll never know. But Uriah said I can’t go home in the middle of war. Killed Uriah. God forgave!! There’s no sin he won’t forgive.

Why didn’t David go to war? That was the first domino. If he was where he was supposed to be that wouldn’t have happened.

He didn’t say I’ma destroy my destiny. He was probably tired. Didn’t feel like it. Why was he tired? Fighting battles he wasn’t supposed to.

Life has the ability to push us at a pace that is too fast if we don’t have boundaries.

Mark 8:36

If my life is too busy for 15 min with God in the morning you’re not living the life God intended.

Protected time with God is key!!! Be after God’s heart.

Your greatest ideas come when you have rest and recover and make space for it. The Sabbath says rest. Don’t do anything that is for-profit.

Isaiah 40:31

When was the last time you were happy God made you wait?? Ima be strong, fast!!

Genesis 2:16

6 times in a row, this is good

It is not good for man to be alone. When Adam was made he said you need a helper. God said that God wasn’t enough. You need someone else.

We gravitate towards the path of least resistance…. And focus on winning. And avoid areas that’s painful. We will go through unimaginable pain for school, money, prizes but building a great marriage? THAT TAKES WORK.

This generation makes it seem like relationships are a burden. Always chasing the bag. But what about when you’re ready to celebrate? All alone.

Make God smile

Make your family smile

Make myself smile

What do you do to put energy back to you. If you don’t take care of you. You can’t take care of others.

Nothing is worth losing God or your relationships or yourself over.

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