3 Weight Loss Tips If You Want To Lose Weight For Real This Time

3 Weight Loss Tips If You Want To Lose Weight For Real This Time

I hated being overweight. LOATHED it. How clothes fit me, shopping for clothes, being teased, eating in front of people—it all gave me anxiety. I purposefully counted myself out of things. Every part of being the "fat friend" SUCKED.

I hated myself and went through extreme measures to get what I wanted: "SKINNY."

When I started losing weight on my own in 2010, I was starving myself and overtraining—not intentionally, but because I genuinely believed I was eating enough. I thought water, a little fruit, a small salad, vitamins, and the gym were all I needed.

This approach led to severe exhaustion and episodes of fainting. Yes, me, blacking out on the ground multiple times over the years because I couldn’t get it right: too much exercise, not enough food.

In summer 2012, I spent time in California with my sister and learned so much about clean eating and different types of exercise beyond the treadmill. I even participated in my first run—The Color Run in Pomona, CA.


But when I returned to school and lived on my own, I couldn’t maintain those practices. My class schedule, a far commute to the gym, lack of nearby grocery stores, and limited money led me to "fasting," as I called it. To me, not eating at all felt better than not eating clean.

Over the course of my weight loss journey, I’ve fainted at least 10 times. I stopped counting, but the last time was in September 2019.

Now, as a Wellness Wiz, I’m here to share my experiences to help others navigate physical, mental, social, nutritional, and spiritual fitness. I’m not here to present a "perfect" persona or claim to have everything figured out—we’re all works in progress. The reality is, there are no absolutes in this journey. Just because something worked for me doesn’t mean I’m saying, "Do it my way or it’s wrong."

Through "Let’s Get Posi," I share my journey and lessons so you can find your own path to your goals. There are multiple ways to reach 4: 1+3, 2+2... You get the point. These are things I wish someone had told me, so I’m sharing them with you now.

After more than 10 years of being on a weight loss journey, I’ve had countless "Day One’s." But these three key practices have remained constant for any progress to occur:

1) Drink Water Constantly

Even when you’re not thirsty, you probably need water. Hydration is essential for digestion, skin health, joint health—everything. Forget the "drink water before a meal to eat less" myth. Drink water because your body is 78% water and needs it to function. When I’m hydrated, I feel more energized and my skin glows. Water is literally life. Get a water bottle to carry with you so it's easy. 

2) Eat Mindfully

I used to think eating less was the key to weight loss because I had so much fat to lose. That mindset was dangerous and led to an eating disorder, fainting, loose skin, and being "skinny fat." When you work out and stay active, you need MORE food, not less. It’s about eating nutrient-dense foods and being intentional. Eat on purpose and with purpose.

3) Keep Track of Progress

I kept track with photos and clothes. Comparison photos and trying on old clothes were my markers of success. At one point, I used to buy smaller clothes as a motivator, but I stopped doing that because it wasn’t helpful. Instead of buying clothes to fit into, I buy clothes that fit me now. This realization helped me embrace my body type—as a pear shape, I may never be smaller than a size 8, and that’s perfectly fine. Find a way to track your progress that motivates you. Try using the Let's Get Posi Workout Log.

4) Lift Weights

I wish I had started weightlifting earlier. Without it, I lost muscle mass, leading to sagging skin and being "skinny fat." Ladies, lifting weights won’t make you bulky unless you’re training intentionally for that look. Lift weights 2-3 times a week to build strength and support your overall fitness. Use the Posi Workout Planner to plan your workouts!

If you or someone you know is struggling with weight loss, take it day by day. You can do it. You just have to start and keep going. If there’s one thing weight loss confirmed for me, it’s this:

Results come from the work you put in. No shortcuts.

I hope everyone learns more about their individual health and makes progress toward their fitness goals this year!

Explore More Wellness Tips and Tools

If my gym journey resonated with you, check out my online store where I share affirmational goods and tools to help you embrace every stage of your wellness journey. From a positive mindset e-book to fitness plans, there’s something to support your path to self-love and growth.

Remember to follow me on social media for more personal stories, wellness tips, and faith-based content. Comment what helps you with maintaining/improving wellness and spiritual fitness...? Let’s continue our wellness journeys together!

Peace and posi to you!


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